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5 Minutes: Free Fantasy Show, Renews Every Month.
Unlimited Access: Archive Fantasy Shows

As a member of Micky Lynn's Fan Club you will receive information on which magazine & videos I have appeared in.
You'll get a FREE autograph color 8x10 glossy photo available to club members only.
You'll receive a topless 11x17 glossy poster and a FREE autograph movie flyer.
FREE 7 Day Members Area Trial Included!
Best of all you will have the opportunity to write Micky Lynn directly

Bookstore Sign
Fantasy Shows
Feature Dancing
Lap Dances
XXX Modeling

Sweet Sensations Passion Parties has a goal to help men, women and couples achieve the highest level of intimacies
We personally choose the products that we offer at our parties, but also cater to everyone hidden pleasures. If there is an item that you don't see online or in our catalog we will help you find it.
At our parties we stand apart from other companies in many ways. Our products that are showcased are available on hand for purchase (Quanity Limited).
We also have an extensive catalog that offers a wide variety of products for everyone's needs. Our product prices are affordable for everyone.